+1 727-339-1CTC / +91 7815938889 info@cleartechnologyconsulting.com

Disaster Recovery as a Service


Clear Technology Consulting is a hybrid cloud based disaster recovery as a service that helps mitigate the downtime caused by server crashes, ransomware attacks, or natural disasters.

Eliminate Downtime And Data Loss

Whether it’s a routine server crash or a site-wide disaster, unplanned downtime comes with serious consequences.  See how DRaaS can dramatically reduce your downtime.

Your Ransomware Insurance

Quickly recover from a ransomware attack without ever having to pay a ransom. See if you’re a soft target for ransomware.

Unparalleled Affordability

Because we’re harnessing the power and scale of the cloud, instead of expensive, on-premise infrastructure, we can equip every organization with affordable failover and data protection.


Clear Technology Consulting backs up physical servers and virtual machines to a local appliance before it is replicated to the cloud. The cloud could be a private cloud, CTC’s cloud or a popular third party cloud, such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or IBM Bluemix.

When a server crashes, or a file just needs to be restored, you can quickly restore recently backed up files locally or from the cloud. And in events – such as natural disasters – where both the primary server and the DR appliance are unavailable, then systems can be spun up in the cloud as a temporary center of operations until the primary servers can be restored. This hybrid approach enables you to spin up VMs locally or from the cloud, enabling your users to access their data and applications from a temporary production site, buying you time to fix the root problem.


Protected Systems

Clear Technology Consulting protects all of your data from physical and virtualize environments, Windows, Linux, Unix, VMware and Hyper-V.

15-Minute Failover Guarantee

We offer an industry-leading 15-minute SLA for failover and have an average recovery time of 70 seconds.  Don’t believe us? Check out our CloudBoot™ histogram.

Drag & Drop Orchestration

Use our drag-and-drop orchestration workflow editor to specify the order in which machines are recovered, create groups of machines to boot simultaneously, and specify time intervals between system boots to ensure a smooth system recovery.

Software-Defined Networking

Clear Technology Consulting rebuilds your network automatically using software defined networking – effectively capturing a complete replica of your on-premise data center in the cloud.

DR Testing

With CTC, say goodbye to formal declarations of disasters. Now, you can test with impunity with push-button ease and unlimited DR testing.

Ransomware Mitigation

Don’t pay the ransom. Quickly recover operations by restoring a clean, uninfected version of your files, applications and systems.

Industry Recognition

Clear Technology Consulting is the only DRaaS solution provider that is a Gartner Leader, Visionary and Cool Vendor for disaster recovery and business continuity management.

Cloud Choice

Replicate your data to ICleat Technologies cloud, a private cloud, or popular third-party clouds such as Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, or IBM Bluemix.

Hybrid & Cloud Options

Clear Technology Consulting supports both hybrid cloud (local appliance + cloud) and cloud-only approaches in a unified DRaaS solution.


When disaster strikes or critical systems crash, you have to be thoughtful about how — and in what order — you restore applications because of their interdependencies. That’s where orchestration comes in.


with Clear Technology Consulting, our pricing is simple and comprehensive, no nickel-and-diming. Our pricing is based on a per terabyte rate for data protection, either monthly or annually. There is no additional cost for assistance in deployment, initial configuration or training.
Please call us or click below to get a quote. Per TB pricing includes:

Device & Server Support

  • Installation & configuration
  • Endpoint protection
  • DR support for Windows, Linux, VMware, KVM & Hyper-V
  • Field-upgradable appliance

Cloud Services

  • Cloud Failover services
  • CloudBoot™
  • Cloud storage & seeding
  • Replication & backup software

DR Support

  • Unlimited DR testing
  • Unlimited DR events
  • Built-in orchestration & support
  • 24×7 global support


View our latest ebooks, case studies, white papes



Learn more about Clear Technology Consulting Cloud Backup


Learn more about Clear Technology Consulting


Need help with your environment and requirements? Interested in a price quote?
Send us your questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

About Us

Our certified professionals and engineers excel with design, deployment, and maintaining communications systems. From implementing new data management systems to upgrading security standards, we can handle all your IT needs.

 Contact Info



USA location
Clear Technology Consulting LLC,
19107 Cypress Green Dr, Lutz, FL 33558,United States
+1 727 339 1CTC

India Location
ClearTek Consulting Pvt Ltd,
#6-3-248/1, Dhruv Arcade, Road No 1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana. 500034.
+91 7815938889




